This collection of personal narratives are told by our friends and colleagues within the Architects Mental Wellbeing Forum whom have experienced mental ill-health.
They are honest accounts of their lived experiences that hope to break down the stigma associated with mental health. By sharing our experiences, we hope to play a small part in changing attitudes and ending the stigma associated with mental health.
We hope that in reading these stories you are in a better position to reflect on your own mental health and wellbeing, whilst also recognising the value of supporting friends and colleagues through open dialogue. We hope that these powerful words can help us develop a more proactive and preventative approach to mental health and wellbeing within the architectural industry, learning lessons from lived experiences of others.
Going forward, we hope that the raised awareness can help us as the AMWF community build a supportive culture and environment around wellbeing and mental health. We all have a collective responsibility to continue this open conversation about mental health both in the workplace and beyond.